Year 5 Curriculum Overview
In Year 5, curriculum is taught across the year through three enquiries. The enquiries all have an overarching question which the children work towards answering. These are developed by driving and enhancing subjects. In addition, enquiries connect to our 6A curriculum principles, and shape the way the enquiries are planned and delivered.

Autumn Term - Our Climate is Changing - Why Should We?
This term, we will be exploring the question ‘Our climate is changing – why should we?’. This project has Geography as it’s driver, where we will be learning all about the different biomes of the world, what categorises different biomes and how our human actions are impacting on these biomes as well as their impacts on the planet. We will be visiting the Attenborough Nature Reserve to immerse the children in understanding our local habitats and how we can change humans’ actions to protect this. Our outcome for this enquiry will be creating a piece of artwork inspired by Rachel Ignotofsky which we will print on to tote bags along with QR codes reflecting our findings of the enquiry and what recommendations we would make for change.
Our Key Enquiry Texts
Throughout the enquiry we will study the key texts below, we aim to ensure the texts we choose are high-quality and engage the children in their current learning.
Spring Term - Does History Always Tell the Truth?
Our Spring enquiry, 'Does History Always Tell the Truth?' focuses on the history of the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings and how we can find out what actually happened vs what may not have based on historical evidence. The children will focus on artefacts that represent their views on whether the Vikings were barbaric or not. Supporting this will they will create balanced arguments to express their views. This will promote critical thinking and rigorous questioning skills. Along the way, they will explore primary and secondary sources of information and the significance of exploring artefacts to discover the truth about history. The children will create a sustainable piece of art to support their argument of a significant Viking figure.
Our Key Enquiry Texts
Throughout the enquiry we will study the key texts below, we aim to ensure the texts we choose are high-quality and engage the children in their current learning.
Summer Enquiry - Is the writing on the wall?
In Summer term, year 5 learn all about street art and the difference between what constitutes art and vandalism after an incident that occurred in our local estate. The children carry out an in-depth study of the artists Basquiat learning about his art, inspiration and his life. Alongside Basquiat, they look at other artists of the time and movement such as Keith Haring. During the enquiry, the children work towards creating a mural to share with our school community to promote positive values to influence how people feel about our local area.
Our Key Enquiry Texts
Throughout the enquiry we will study the key texts below, we aim to ensure the texts we choose are high-quality and engage the children in their current learning.