Pupil Premium
Rita Pierson - Every Child Deserves a Champion
‘Every child deserves a champion – an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection, and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be’ (Rita Pierson - Every Child Deserves a Champion).
At Hucknall Flying High Academy, we intend to provide an effective, ambitious, and robust package of support for the pupils within our school, irrespective of their background or challenges. We understand the significant need to remove or reduce any barriers throughout our curriculum. Our Pupil Premium Strategy has been written to identify the challenges that our disadvantaged pupils face and ways in which we can use the allocated funding to support us to overcome these challenges and maximise their potential.
We recognise the importance of tailoring our curriculum, the learning and teaching to ensure our disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils are targeted effectively and put this approach at the heart of our day-to-day preparation, planning and practice to maximise learning. We are committed to removing barriers to success for all our children and close any gaps between their peers, ensuring that every child maximises their potential. We know that the impact of COVID 19 on disadvantaged pupils is the equivalent to undoing a third of the progress made in the last decade on closing the primary gap in primary schools (DfE, June 2021). With this in mind, it is essential that our school curriculum continues to be designed with equality and equity as a focus. Our curriculum is designed around the 6 As:
- Academic Rigour – to challenge our children to produce their best and aspire to the highest academic outcomes possible, developing their vocabulary, reasoning, and problem-solving skills.
- Authenticity – to create situations where children are inspired through authentic contexts, empowering them to leave their mark on the wider world.
- Active Learning – to create ambitions for our children and our school community, engaging pupils in educational experiences that are rich and purposeful, creating memorable experiences that maintain in the long-term memory.
- Adult Connections – to give purposeful meaning, context, and value to learning, preparing our children for the next stage in their education through positive relationships with the adults they work with and adults from authentic contexts.
- Applied Learning – to challenge our children to overcome personal barriers through culturally rich, memorable learning experiences which expand their understanding through the correct application of the deep knowledge content gained.
- Assessment Practices – to give children opportunity to articulate their knowledge, learning and understanding through appropriate means of assessment.
‘Once a child sees that they are capable of excellence, a child is never the same. They have a new self-image’ (Ron Berger – An Ethic of Excellence).
Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.
The Pupil Premium (PP) is an allocation of additional funding provided to schools to support specific groups of children. Pupil Premium provides schools with funding to challenge underachievement by setting up additional support for our most vulnerable children. The intended effect of this funding is to accelerate progress and raise attainment in schools.