'Every child is unique and deserves the opportunity to learn and grow in an environment that supports their individual needs'.
SEND at Hucknall Flying High Academy
At Hucknall Flying High Academy we pride ourselves on being an inclusive school where we 'champion our individual children' , we are reflective practitioners and adapt to our children's individual needs. When a child's needs are identified by teaching staff we follow a cycle of assess, plan, do, review to ensure that interventions and high quality first teaching resources are in place.
Children who are on our ‘SEND register’ have an individual support plan which highlights specific targets and interventions to enable development and accelerate progress. Three times a year parents are invited to school to meet with the class teacher and SENCo to review targets and the support that is in place for their child.
We are always striving to provide the best for our pupils and work closely with the Flying High Partnership and Specialist Teachers to upskill our staff.
Where necessary, transitional support can be coordinated for children when they start or leave school, this includes visits by the staff and pupils, including extra visits for those who require them, as well as sharing information with new schools.
Who's Who?
Mrs Hitchen: SENCo
Mrs Dempsey: ELSA Lead
Miss Wilkinson: KS1 ELSA and SEND support assistant
As SENCo it is Mrs Hitchen's job to co-ordinate provision within school. If you ever want to speak to Mrs Hitchen please contact the school office - 0115 701 2020
Our Curriculum Principles in Action
Academic Rigour – to provide all of our children with the opportunity to be their best and aspire to the highest academic outcomes. Where possible we use high quality first teaching strategies in partnership with curriculum adaptations. This then allows us to develop our children's vocabulary, reasoning, and problem-solving skills.
Authenticity – to create situations where all of our children are inspired through authentic contexts, empowering them to leave their mark on the wider world.
Active Learning – to create ambitions for all of our children and our school community, engaging pupils in educational experiences that are rich and purposeful, creating memorable experiences that maintain in the long-term memory.
Adult Connections – to give purposeful meaning, context, and value to learning, preparing all of our children for the next stage in their education through positive relationships with the adults they work with.
Applied Learning – to provide memorable learning experiences which expand all of our children's understanding through the correct application of the deep knowledge content gained, showing how learning links to everyday life.
Assessment Practices – to give all of our children the opportunity to articulate their knowledge, learning and understanding through appropriate means of assessment.
Aims of the SEND Curriculum:
- Identify the needs of pupils with SEND as early as possible.
- Carefully monitor pupil progress.
- Make appropriate provision to overcome all barriers to create well-rounded individuals.
- Work closely with parents and listen to their views.
- Work with outside agencies to provide the best support for our pupils.
- Create a school environment where pupils feel safe to voice their opinions of their own needs.
- Ensure our pupils access a broad and balanced curriculum.
Inclusion at Hucknall Flying High Academy
Coffee Mornings:
Every half term we host a SEND drop in coffee morning in the school hall. Everyone is welcome to attend, this is ran with the intention to be a safe space for you to speak to school SENCo, ELSA lead as well as talk to other parents.
SEND Newsletters:
The admission arrangements for all pupils are in accordance with national legislation, including the Equality Act 2010. This includes children with any level of SEND; those with Education, Health and Care Plans and those without. Further information about school’s admissions policy can be found in the school prospectus. Hucknall Flying High Academy support with transition to and from our school setting.
We understand that transition can be challenging for children with additional needs and therefore support in the following ways:
- inviting parents in for transition meetings
- visiting children in their current settings (providing additional visits if necessary)
- professional conversations with SENCOs from both schools/settings
- providing transitional books, social stories or countdowns for children to understand the process
- sharing of information both verbally and sharing copies of SEND data
Hucknall Flying High Academy is a modern building, opened in 2019 and therefore all of the facilities comply with current accessibility arrangements. It is a two-storey building with level access into the building and lift access to the first floor. On the first floor there is an accessible changing facility available.