School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference.
If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office. Paper copies are available from the school office.
- HFHA Children Protection Policy 2024-25
- HFHA Child Protection Policy Executive Summary 2024-2025
- HFHA Accessibility-Plan 2024-25
- HFHA Anti Bullying Policy 2024-25
- HFHA Attendance Policy 2024-25
- HFHA Behaviour Policy 2024-25
- HFHA British Values Policy 2024-25
- HFHA Child-on-child Abuse Policy 2024-25
- HFHA Code of Conduct Policy (FHP) Sept 2022-2025
- HFHA (FHP) Complaints Policy 2024-26
- FHP Data Protection Policy
- HFHA Equality Information and Objectives 2024-25
- HFHA First Aid Policy 2024-25
- HFHA Home School Agreement 2024-2025
- HFHA ICT and internet acceptable use Policy 2024-25
- HFHA Low Level Concerns Policy 2023 Update
- HFHA Online Safety Policy 2024-25
- HFHA Positive Handling Policy 2024-25
- HFHA Prevent Action Plan 2024-2025
- HFHA Preventing Extremism and Radicalisation 2024-25
- HFHA Recruitment Policy (FHP) Sept 2022-2025
- HFHA Risk Assessment Policy 2024-25
- HFHA RSHE Policy 2024-25
- HFHA Safeguarding Children on Off-Site Visits Policy 2024-25
- HFHA SEND Policy 2024-25
- HFHA Social Media Policy 2024-25
- HFHA Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs Policy 2024-25
- HFHA Visitor and Volunteers Policy 2024-25
- HFHA Whistleblowing Policy 2024-25