Within Year 1, our curriculum is taught across the year through our three enquiries. The enquiries all have an overarching question which the children work towards answering through an authentic outcome. Our enquiries are developed by driving and enhancing subjects. In addition, our enquiries connect to our 6A curriculum principles, and shape the way the enquiries are planned and delivered.
Autumn Term - What makes Great Britain great?
For our first enquiry, the children will study 'What makes Great Britain great?' exploring our world through Geography. The children will look at the United Kingdom and the countries that make it. Our enquiry intends to inspire and develop the children's knowledge of where they live, through the exploration of the features of different countries. We ensure that throughout our enquiry we promote the importance of wider community, broadening the children's understanding beyond their usual school community. Alongside this, the children will develop their artistic skills and will work on creating a wooden frame to display their enquiry knowledge and drawing their learning together in their final outcome.
Our Key Enquiry Texts
Throughout the enquiry we will study the key texts below, we aim to ensure the texts we choose are high-quality and engage the children in their current learning. These books provide a fantastic connection to the content taught and are a fantastic resource to further explore at home.
Spring Term - Should we have the right to an education?
For our second enquiry, the children will study 'Should we have the right to an education?' exploring our modern world through a historical lens. The children will look at life in Victorian Britain and the unique changes that took place during Queen Victoria's reign. Our enquiry intends to inspire and develop the children's knowledge of how they live, through the exploration and comparison of life today compared to a Victorian child's life. We ensure that throughout our enquiry we promote the importance of wider community, broadening the children's understanding beyond their lifetime. Alongside this, the children will develop their artistic skills and create a whole class piece of Lowry inspired work. The children will also develop their artistic, engineering and drama skills by creating a shadow puppet show explaining the key changes in Victorian Britain and the positive impact it is has had on our lives today.
Our Key Enquiry Texts
Throughout the enquiry we will study the key texts below, we aim to ensure the texts we choose are high-quality and engage the children in their current learning. These books provide a fantastic connection to the content taught and are a fantastic resource to further explore at home.