Within Year 6, our curriculum is taught across the year through our three enquiries. The enquiries all have an overarching question which the children work towards answering, these are developed by driving and enhancing subjects. In addition our enquiries connect to our 6A curriculum principles, and shape the way the enquiries are planned and delivered.

Autumn Term - 'Is the Destination the End of the Journey?'
During the Autumn term, we will be exploring the question ‘Is the destination the end of the journey?’. Our enquiry project has Geography as it’s driver, where we will be learning all about the refugee crisis with a focus on Syria. We want the children to understand that war is not a historical event and still happens across the world today. Children will begin to understand the direct impact of war on refugees and the indirect impact on our community and surrounding area.
Our Key Enquiry and English Text
This term our first book for English will be a powerful and thought-provoking book: 'Welcome to Nowhere' by Elizabeth Laird. The main character Omar, a 12-year-old boy from Syria, experiences war first hand and must flee Syria with his family in a fight for survival. This term, we will be writing a poem, a setting description, a biography and a balanced argument based on this text.
Spring Term - 'What was the significance of Hucknall in World War Two?'
This term's enquiry will look at the events that unfolded resulting in World War II and the impact this had on Europe and Britain, before looking much more closely into how life in Hucknall was affected. The children will visit the National Holocaust Centre to further enhance the curriculum. The final enquiry outcome will involve a school gallery, where the children will showcase an art outcome and written outcome linked to their Hucknall history learning.
Our Key Enquiry and English Text
This term, the children are reading ‘Goodnight, Mister Tom,’ by Michelle Magorian which focuses on the evacuation of children during World War 2. The children will be writing a diary entry, a narrative, a set of instructions and a script.
Enquiry Photographs
Summer Term - Does a civilisation ever die?
During Summer term, Year 6 combine History and Art by studying the Mayan civilisation asking whether artefacts and legacies of a civilisation keep them alive as they exist in history books, people's memories and of course in our day to day lives. One legacy that the Mayan's left behind was the production of chocolate! The children explore the making chocolate products during the Design & Technology aspect of this enquiry. They take part in a chocolate making workshop and create a savoury meal including this key ingredient. The children learn all about the civilisation of the Mayans and they study the artist Frida Khalo and look at other celebrations such as 'day of the dead'. The children go on to produce death masks inspired by the civilisation and artist. Finally, they make their own decision based on everything they have learnt as to whether the Mayan civilisation ever truly disappears!
Enquiry Key Texts
Throughout the enquiry we will study the key texts below, we aim to ensure the texts we choose are high-quality and engage the children in their current learning.