Within Year 4, our curriculum is taught across the year through our three enquiries. The enquiries all have an overarching question which the children work towards answering through an authentic outcome. Our enquiries are developed by driving and enhancing subjects. In addition, our enquiries connect to our 6A curriculum principles, and shape the way the enquiries are planned and delivered.
Autumn Term - What is the Solution to River Pollution?
For our first enquiry - 'What is the solution to river pollution?' the children will explore the importance of rivers. They will learn the names of some major rivers within the UK, the names of features of a river and their uses. Alongside this, they will also gain an understanding of how polluted our rivers are and the environmental impact that this has. With major water companies regularly being featured in the news for disposing of sewage waste into our rivers, the focus will be on making a change and the children will create informative leaflets which they will take to the local town centre to educate the local public. Whilst talking to the public, the children will collect signatures and then send these along with a letter to our local water company (Seven Trent), demanding a change.
Our Key Enquiry Texts
Throughout the enquiry we will study the key texts below, we aim to ensure the texts we choose are high-quality and engage the children in their current learning. These books provide a fantastic connection to the content taught and are a fantastic resource to further explore at home.

Trips and Experiences Linked to our Autumn Enquiry
Spring Term - Should we Resist Change?
Our Spring enquiry, 'Should we Resist Change?' will focus on uncovering the impact that the Ancient Romans had on Great Britain. The children will learn about some of the most famous Ancient Romans, such as Julius Caesar and Emperor Claudius. They will also understand what life was like in Britain before the Romans conquered, what they left behind and how brave Celts such as Boudica, stood up and defended her country. Along the way, they will explore primary and secondary sources of information and consider whether change was a good or bad thing for the Celtic people. In order to answer the enquiry question, they will write a balanced argument and then use this to create a video. This video will be played to children across school during our whole school 'History at Hucknall' exhibition and children will be asked to vote.
Our Key Enquiry Texts
Throughout the enquiry we will study the key texts below, we aim to ensure the texts we choose are high-quality and engage the children in their current learning. These books provide a fantastic connection to the content taught and are a fantastic resource to further explore at home.
Summer Term - What secrets does a pyramid hold?
The children will learn about Ancient Egyptian art and analyse what they tell us about the past. They will look at the different symbols that the Ancient Egyptians used within their art and learn about the deep and meaningful messages that they held. As art is our driver, the children will use this information to inspire them to create their own piece of Egyptian art, which will be inspired by the artist 'Louise Bourgeois'. Having chosen the symbol that they want to create, they will encase their piece of art inside a 3D pyramid. This will be part of their Design and Technology outcome and will showcase their learning about Ancient Egypt.
Our Key Enquiry Texts
Throughout the enquiry we will study the key texts below, we aim to ensure the texts we choose are high-quality and engage the children in their current learning. These books provide a fantastic connection to the content taught and are a fantastic resource to further explore at home.